Mount Engadine Lodge is one of my favorite places in the Rocky Mountains. Not only are they close to the best hiking, cross country and skijoring trails (Mt. Shark - with Tent Ridge being my favorite ridge hike) but the lodge overlooks a little valley with a meandering creek that during the summer is full of long grasses. Inside, the lodge looks every part what a lodge should. There isn't anything as rewarding as stopping in after a hike or ski for their afternoon tea (and by tea I mean well earned beer) and all the delicious charcuterie and baking. And as if all of this wasn't enough, the best part about Engadine is that they are dog friendly, and I am a big fan of anywhere I can bring my pals. They asked us up to shoot promoting their dog friendly accommodations - so here are Lissie, Banjo and Obi looking a lot more behaved than they were behind the scenes.

Shot together with the talented Mike Mueller.